
Women’s Royal Voluntary Service

For the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) we undertook groundbreaking research to quantify and monetise as far as possible the main sources of financial costs and benefits associated with Britain’s current and expected future population of over 65s. The research was carried out in support of the award-winning Golden Age campaign during 2011.

The approach was to include the fiscal benefits generated by over 65s (e.g. income taxes, capital gains taxes and inheritance taxes paid) as well as the costs of state pension provision, healthcare and social care costs. The model considered how each of these cost and benefit streams would change over the next 20 years. The research also considered non-Exchequer benefits, including the inputted costs of volunteering by over 65s, and the value of social care, childcare and other community services provided by older people.


The report was well-covered by national print media and TV and radio broadcasters.

Financial research

CLIENT Women's Royal Voluntary Service
DATE 2012
RESULT TV/radio/media coverage

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