Leisure Sector continues to provide job opportunities
At a time when the economy as a whole continues to recover sluggishly from the aftermath of the 2008-2010 recession, it is worth noting that the Leisure sector is one area that has continued to display resilience and the ability to provide employment opportunities.
That is one reason why we were pleased recently to assist Kier Group with a successful planning application for a new cinema and leisure complex in Walsall.
The scheme, which has now received planning permission, is expected to support in the region of 90 jobs during the construction phase, and a total of around 230 permanent jobs when it is operational.
In addition, we estimate that the scheme will make a net contribution of around £4.6 million in additional Gross Value Added to the local economy once it is up and running.
The scheme will also contribute significantly to the regeneration of the wider Walsall Waterfront area, which is a key regeneration objective of the local authority.